


South Flank


Aug  21 – Nov 21

The Borrow Pit Rehabilitation project consisted of the rehabilitation of temporary disturbance across Mining Area C and South Flank borrow pit areas. The work scope required the removal of infrastructure, re-profiling, deep ripping (up to 1m), re-spreading of growth media and scarification.

The Services included:

  • Mobilisation and Demobilisation
  • Site establishment
  • Removal of existing infrastructure and waste
  • Re-profile/landscaping
  • Deep ripping (cross ripping where required)
  • Growth media re-spread (haulage, placement and even re-spread topsoil and vegetation)
  • Scarification (light rip/ scarification following contours)
  • Procure and install BHP approved rehabilitation signage
  • Dust management across areas of work scope
  • Traffic management across areas of work scope